Business Certification

How many times have we been asked at the face to face workshops if the certificate and exam provided was the “Official” Scrum Master certificate. Although a lot of training providers would like you to believe that they provide the “Official” Scrum Master certification or Product Owner certification, there is NO SUCH THING. Yes, neither we nor anybody else us able to provide anything “Official.” SO is it all useless then ? By no means not. What we do provide is business or industry certification. There is no educational body or authority that accredits business or industry certification. In New Zealand only NZQA can accredit an educational program and recognize its qualification as official. Not one training provider is recognized by NZQA so far. Nonetheless, getting a certificate can be valuable, beneficial, and practical for resume building, job search, and carrier development.

We recognise the fact that a one or two day workshop will not make you an expert in Agile methodology. Practical work experience in Agile environment will help to really develop those skills. It is however so that to be able to get employment in an Agile environment one needs to be able to show at least at least a basic understanding of Agile methodology. That is exactly where NoNonsense Agile Certification comes handy. The certification shows that you are capable of understanding at foundation level the methodology of Agile/Scrum and that you took the effort to study the theory. The certificate that you get for your effort will always be of added value on your CV as you have passed the examination criteria of the certificate provider. One thing is to say you looked some things up, entirely another when you can present a certificate you earned after completing a study and taking an exam.

Some providers advertise the highest passing rates, passing rates of over 90 %. We do not lower our passing criteria by making up primitive questions anyone can pass. We at NoNonsense are not willing to undermine the value of training and give out certificates left and right. We insist you actually go through the learning process using the FREE learning resources and take the exam that is worth taking. We feel that our certificates should reflect acquired knowledge of Agile and Scrum frameworks rather than be bought.